Your Business,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What I Do



I work with your team to gather and quantify your organization’s carbon footprint to identify the sources of emissions and hotspots to address. With this information, we will then look at the assessments and determine a strategy to reduce carbon emissions. 


Analyze and review your physical products’ environmental impacts, resource consumption, and emissions from manufacturing to disposal. This analysis is then used to make informed decisions about your product processes to optimize operations and minimize your ecological footprint.


Analyze and review your physical products’ environmental impacts, resource consumption, and emissions from manufacturing to disposal. This analysis is then used to make informed decisions about your product processes to optimize operations and minimize your ecological footprint.

Grant Writing

Take a step back and 

Case Studies

Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Sarah!